Ever wonder what is going on in the head of a camp director when dreaming and scheming about future fun at camp? It’s typical, for most of us, to have multiple lists of fun things in our heads at all times. Things that come to haunt (or delight) us in our sleepless nights of camp preparation and anticipation.
Two lists that are always going in my brain are:
After a summer of no camp, you can imagine that those runnings lists are quite long, so I took the opportunity to check in with my fellow directors to see if they too had similar “lists of fun” scrolling through their heads.
You would be AMAZED at the classes some of your favorite directors would like to see at camp. Although some might not be the most realistic (scroll down for JB’s answers), some of these ideas totally got our wheels turnings. Who knows - you might just see one of these classes enter the scene in the near future!
What classes would you love for Greystone to offer? Pipe dream or not…we would love to hear your ideas! If you have a good one, shoot me an email at ea@campgreystone.com. I’ll add it to my list of fun!