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Campers love taking classes at camp! With over 70 different activities offered, every camper can find her niche at Greystone.
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Junior Camp

How it works

Junior campers jump right into classes so they can learn as much as possible in each of their activities. At the Junior session, campers will take 5 different classes every day for their week-long session.

Scheduling your classes

Our Junior campers enjoy the very best classes we have to offer at camp, attending classes with their cabin group. Girls feel confident going to classes with their friends and love “sampling” every class offered at our Junior session. Because the campers try every class in camp, girls do not need to pre-schedule any classes. You can view a list of classes (available in the spring) that will be offered at Junior this upcoming summer.

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June, Main, and August Camps

Daily Schedule

Campers at our June session will take a total of 14 classes, rotating between a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule of 7 classes and a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule of 7 classes. Girls at our Main session take a total of 12 classes, with an additional Club period each afternoon, rotating between a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule of 6 classes and a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule of 6 classes. August campers will take the same 7 classes everyday. You can see a copy of our daily schedule on our Explore page.

Club period (Main only): At Main Camp, our final 7th period class each day is our Club period. During this period, girls can try a more specialized activity that is offered or enjoy a free period.

Scheduling your classes

June, Main, and August campers will schedule their classes on Opening Day with their counselor(s). Your daughter’s cabin counselor will help to make her schedule, ensuring she has the perfect mix of activities that she would like to take.

Some of our classes are only offered at longer sessions, and some are limited by grade-range (see details below). Make sure to check out our detailed list of activities (available in the spring) offered this summer; your daughter can use this list to get an idea of what she would like to take before she even arrives. She can even bring with her on Opening Day a short list of classes she is interested in taking so that she remembers what she wants to take.

We want your daughter to have the very best schedule and to enjoy all of her classes! Over the course of the first few days of camp, if your daughter does not enjoy one of her classes, she is more than welcome to switch into a different class. We explain how to do this several times to all of our campers.

Mid-session switch (Main only): At Main Camp, girls have the opportunity to switch some of their classes halfway through the session; it is not mandatory. Classes that can be switched are activities such as Landsports, Eno Summer Reading, etc. Classes that cannot be switched are specialized activities that build on skills like art classes, performance classes, etc.

Activity Grade Limits

Over 90% of our camp classes are open to all campers regardless of their grade. A few of our classes are designed for campers who have completed a specific grade. The grades listed are for the grade your daughter will have just completed before the summer. These activities will be posted in the spring prior to summer 2024.

June and August:

Aerial Yoga: 6th and up
Fitness Classes: 3rd and up
High Adventure: 4th and up
High Ropes: 4th and up
Glass Beads: 6th and up
Metal Jewelry: 6th and up
Mtn. Biking: 4th and up
Printmaking: 4th and up
Wood Burning: 5th and up

Main Camp:

Aerial Yoga: 6th and up
High Adventure: 4th and up
High Ropes: 4th and up
Glass Beads: 6th and up
Metal Jewelry: 7th and up
Mtn. Biking: 4th and up
Printmaking: 4th and up
Wood Burning: 5th and up

Daily Camp Schedules

Our schedule strikes a balance between activity and rest, giving campers opportunities to pursue their strengths and interests, while leaving plenty of time for quiet conversations with friends. Junior Camp follows a simplified version of our Daily Schedule, providing a good introduction to a summer at Greystone.


  • 7:30 am Reveille
  • 8:05 am Flag
  • 8:15 am Breakfast
  • 9:25 am Assembly
  • 9:50 am 1st Class Period
  • 10:30 am 2nd Class Period
  • 11:10 am 3rd Class Period
  • 11:50 am 4th Class Period
  • 12:30 pm End of Class Bell
  • 12:40 pm First Call
  • 12:45 pm Lunch
  • 1:45 pm Call to Quarters
  • 2:00 pm Rest Hour
  • 3:00 pm End of Rest Hour
  • 3:20 pm Candy Shoppe/Watermelon
  • 3:40 pm 5th Class Period
  • 4:20 pm 6th Class Period
  • 5:00 pm Cabin Showers & Clean up
  • 5:45 pm Flag
  • 6:00 pm Supper
  • 7:30 pm Evening Program
  • 8:30 pm Call to Quarters
  • 9:00 pm Lights Out
  • 9:15 pm Taps

June, Main, August

  • 7:30 am Reveille
  • 7:50 am Table Girls
  • 8:05 am Flag
  • 8:10 am Breakfast
  • 9:25 am Assembly
  • 9:50 am 1st Period
  • 10:30 am 2nd Period
  • 11:10 am 3rd Period
  • 11:50 am 4th Period
  • 12:30 pm 5th Period
  • 1:10 pm Table Girls
  • 1:15 pm First Call
  • 1:20 pm Lunch
  • 2:15 pm Call to Quarters
  • 2:30 pm Rest Hour
  • 3:30 pm End of Rest Hour
  • 3:50 pm 6th Period
  • 4:30 pm 7th Period
  • 5:10 pm Free Period
  • 5:40 pm Clean Up
  • 5:50 pm Table Girls
  • 6:05 pm Flag
  • 6:15 pm Supper
  • 7:45 pm Evening Program
  • 8:45 pm Crackers
  • 9:00 pm Call to Quarters
  • 9:20 pm Lights Out
  • 9:30 pm Taps
  • 9:40 pm Taps (Main Camp)