Health Care

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We do our very best to keep your daughter healthy and safe while she is with us at Greystone! While we hope that your daughter will never need to experience our Health Hut, if she needs us, we are here to help. Greystone has 8-10 registered nurses, a 24-hour a day resident doctor, and our Health Director (a retired pediatrician) to care for your daughter’s health needs.

Health Communication

We understand the importance of thorough communication and are committed to keeping you informed in a thoughtful and transparent manner before, during, and after your daughter’s session. We will contact you if there is ever a health issue that affects your daughter’s camp experience.

We will always contact you if your camper:

  • Spends the night in the Health Hut
  • Is prescribed a prescription or over-the-counter medication on a scheduled basis
  • Needs to visit a doctor in town for x-rays or lab work
  • Is unable to participate in scheduled camp activities due to illness or injury

We will not automatically contact you if your daughter visits the Health Hut for a minor reason (such as a headache, bug bite, etc.) or is given over-the-counter medicine to treat a minor complaint. If you have concerns about your daughter receiving a particular medication, please note that on her Health Form (available in the spring) through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account.

During Camp: You can reach us directly at the Health Hut with any questions regarding your daughter’s health:
Health Hut Phone: 828-693-9841

Prior to Opening Day: please contact us with questions or to discuss any health concerns you might be dealing with at home. You can reach us through:
Office Phone: 828-693-3182
Email or

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Health Monitoring Prior to Camp

It is important to start each session with a healthy group of campers, and we will do our very best to keep them that way. Please help us keep contagious illnesses out of camp!

We ask that you monitor your daughter’s health and avoid any exposure to illness in the week prior to her session. Please contact us if your daughter is not feeling well, has any signs or symptoms of illness (i.e., fever, rashes, cough, congestion, sore throat, nausea, or vomiting), or is exposed to anything contagious in the days leading up to camp.

Health Forms

All Health Forms must be completed and submitted by May 1st through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account! Please notify us if there are changes after submitting any of these forms as we review all health information prior to Opening Day.

The Physical Form should be downloaded and completed by your healthcare provider using ANY exam performed in the past 24 months. Please update your daughter’s height and weight, as well as any other significant changes, if you are using an exam completed more than 12 months prior to camp.

The Health History Form must be completed and/or updated by May 1st. ALL medications MUST be entered on this form. Make sure the medication section is complete, accurate, and matches any current prescription(s) from your physician. Anything taken or used to treat or manage a condition or symptoms is considered a medication. Vitamins, supplements, and melatonin are considered medications at camp and must be entered in this section. The nurses use this detailed information to administer all medications.

The Medication Verification Form must be completed to indicate whether your child needs any kind of medication at camp. If you answer “yes”, then you’ll follow the directions on the Pharmacy Forms. Download and complete the Bring-From-Home Medication Form if indicated.

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Food Allergies

Greystone encourages our campers to try many different foods that they may not eat at home, and we have great success because they are surrounded by friends and staff.

Make sure to read our information on how we support and handle food allergies during the summer.

Mental & Emotional Health

In order for us to support your daughter, please let us know about any past or current concerns (i.e., eating issues, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, self-harm). Our expectation is that camp will be nothing but fun for her, but if something does arise, having this information ahead of time will make all the difference.

If you are wondering if something is worth mentioning, please go ahead and contact us, even if you don’t think it will affect her time at camp. Mental health concerns are very common, and we want to take the best possible care of your daughter. Please provide any details in the Mental Health section of her Health Form (available in the spring) through the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account. You can also contact us to discuss any ongoing concerns and how they should be addressed at camp.

A note about ADHD: Because we have a very structured schedule, children who are on medication for ADD/ADHD often have a better experience if they stay on their medication at camp. If you have any questions or concerns, or have made any recent medication changes, please contact us prior to your daughter’s session.


We will screen campers for lice, as well as any other health concerns, on Opening Day. Campers will have their heads checked by a professional lice service, and any cases found will be treated by the professional service that day. Parents will be notified regarding the treatment, and your credit card on file will be charged. Please have your daughter checked (by someone who knows what they are looking for) BEFORE she comes to camp, and let us know if she or anyone in the family has been treated for lice in the 6 months prior to camp. Having your daughter checked and treated prior to camp can prevent an expensive treatment and missing out on any Opening Day cabin fun!