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Cheat Sheet for Email Updates about Summer 2024

We will update this page in the spring as we begin sending email updates for Summer 2024. In the meantime, contact us if you have any questions.

Closing Day Reminders
Sent May 29th and June 1st to Junior families
Sent June 12th and June 22nd to June families
Sent July 12th and July 26th to Main families
Sent August 3rd and August 10th to August families
Find all Closing Day details on our Closing Day information page. Parents should arrive between 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. and will be able to park and walk into camp to pick up their camper. Plan to depart by 11:30 a.m. Closing Day entrance: 21 Camp Greystone Lane, Zirconia, NC 28790 (the same entrance we use for Opening Day).

Use this link to register for Express Pick-Up. Register a week prior to Closing Day.

Flight Departure Information: August Camp
Sent August 6th to August families
Details on flying home from camp were sent to all of those who indicated their camper would be departing by plane on their online forms. Contact our if you have any questions.

Shipping Information: End of Camp
Sent May 29th to Junior families, June 14th to June families, July 16th to Main families, and August 6th to August families
Details on the UPS shipping process were sent to all of those who indicated shipping bags on their online forms. Contact our if you have any questions.

Opening Day Reminders
Sent to Junior families on May 22nd and May 26th
Sent to June families on May 29th and June 5th
Sent to Main families on June 19th and June 25th
Sent do August families on July 24th and August 30th
Find all Opening Day details on our Opening Day information page or in our Parent Handbook. Make sure to check your arrival time, and label your daughter’s bags with the luggage tags coming 3 weeks prior to the start of your session. Have any medications (blister-packed by your pharmacy or approved in advance by our Health Staff) in a Ziploc bag in your camper’s lap (NOT packed in her luggage). You should have a printed copy of the completed Bring-from-Home Medication Form (found in your online forms) with these medications.

Pre-Arrival Screening Form
Sent May 24th to Junior families
Sent June 2nd to June families
Send June 23rd to Main families
Sent July 28th to August families
Submit your Pre-Arrival Screening Form by Sunday, July 30th by 5 p.m. EST. Pre-Arrival Screening Forms can be found in your Greystone Account.

Flight Departure Information: Main Camp
Sent July 19th to Main families
Details on flying home from camp were sent to all of those who indicated their camper would be departing by plane on their online forms. Contact our if you have any questions.

First Time Camper Survey
Sent June 27th to Junior families and July 18th to June families
New camper families, help us improve our new camper experience.

Lice-Free and Photos
Sent May 15th to Junior parents, May 22nd to June parents, June 12th to Main parents, and July 17th to August parents

  • Have your daughter checked for lice prior to camp. The cost for treatment at camp is $350 and will be charged to your account on file.
  • Sign up for one of our photo facial recognition options before the summer. Option 1: Register through the Campanion app on an Apple device or Android device to receive photos of your daughter; this service is free but is only available for registered families. Option 2: Register for Waldo by texting Greystone23 to 735-343; the cost for August is $14.99. Once registered, you can invite friends and family to receive photos for free.

Forms Reminders
Sent April 25th, and follow up sent May 11th to Junior and June missing forms; and June 8th to Main missing forms; and July 14th for August missing forms
All Forms are due now; please fill them out immediately! Make sure to fund your daughter’s Store account, if you’re interested. You do this through the Greystone Store website, not your Greystone account.

August Camp Activity Details
Sent July 10th to August parents
View our class offerings for August Camp to know which classes your daughter will enjoy this summer. August campers will take the same 7 classes each day.

Health and Medications Update
Sent May 2nd to Junior and June parents
Sent May 30th to Main parents
Sent July 6th to August parents

  • Limit your exposure to anyone sick and monitor your daughter’s health before the summer. If she has any signs or symptoms of illness, or you discover she has been exposed to anything contagious, please call the Health Hut (828-693-9841) before arrival.
  • Complete a Pre-Camp Health Screening form for your camper (this will go live in your Greystone Account 3 days prior to Opening Day).
  • If your daughter will need daily medication (this includes over-the-counter medication, vitamins, or supplements) while she is at camp, make sure you have arranged to have these blister-packed by your local pharmacy or Whitley Drugs in Hendersonville. Read details about Medications, including all forms you need to complete, so you are ready for Opening Day.
  • If you have any medication questions, contact our Medication Nurse, .

June Survey
Sent June 23rd to June families
June families, fill out our survey to give your feedback about June Camp.

Flight Arrival Information: Main Camp
Sent June 22nd to Main families
Details on flying into camp were sent to all of those who indicated their camper would be arriving by plane on their online forms. Contact our if you have any questions.

Flight Departure Information: June Camp
Sent June 18th to June families
Details on flying home from camp were sent to all of those who indicated their camper would be departing by plane on their online forms. Contact our if you have any questions.

Main Camp Activity Details
Sent June 6th to Main parents
View our class offerings for Main Camp to know which classes your daughter will enjoy this summer.

Junior Survey
Sent June 2nd to Junior families
Junior families, fill out our survey to give your feedback about Junior Camp.

Flight Arrival Information: June Camp
Sent June 1st to June families
Details on flying into camp were sent to all of those who indicated their camper would be arriving by plane on their online forms. Contact our if you have any questions.

Pre-Arrival Screening Form
Sent May 24th to Junior families
Submit your Pre-Arrival Screening Form by Friday, May 26th by 5 p.m. EST. Pre-Arrival Screening Forms can be found in your Greystone Account.

June Camp Activity Details
Sent May 15th to June parents
View our class offerings for June Camp to know which classes your daughter will enjoy this summer.

Junior Camp Activity Details
Sent May 8th to Junior parents
View our class offerings for Junior Camp to know which classes your daughter will enjoy this summer.

Parent Penpal Program
Sent April 18th to Junior, June, and August families
Deadline for registering was April 25th.