tell the story



Introducing "Why Greystone Wednesdays" - We Want to Hear from You!

by Catherine

by Catherine


No matter what life looks like for you, the fall tends to feel like a fresh start. And that’s especially true for us at camp! We look back at the summ...

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Where Does the Sunday Offering Go?

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Why do we collect an offering at camp? It is a great question, but one that would not have been even considered by previous generations who made weekl...

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What Does It Mean that We're a Christ-Centered Camp?

by Catherine

by Catherine


Around here we say that we are a “Christ-centered” camp, but what does that really mean? Why is it a good thing? How does it affect your day to day ex...

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A Letter to Dr. Sevier

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Dear Joe, I was so surprised to get your letter last week… the stamp was AMAZING (was that solid gold??? Looked like it). The impact of getting such a...

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The New Website

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


No other experience compares to a summer at Greystone, yet most people do not understand what we do. Camp is not something that is understood these da...

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